Lungtropolis™: Where Kids with Asthma Learn to Play: American Lung Association.
Understanding Your Medication: American Lung Association. Video and downloadable instructions on how to use asthma medications and devices.
Asthma Triggers: Gain Control: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Includes video produced by the EPA to help parents and caregivers learn about things that can trigger asthma symptoms.
American Sign Language Video – Information About Asthma. This 15-minute American Sign Language (ASL) film in English and Spanish, produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Deaf Wellness Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center, discusses how to manage asthma to help prevent attacks or decrease the overall health effects of this disease.
NIEHS’ Kids Pages: The NIEHS Kids’ Pages from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health has songs, games, activity books, and other fun activities for children on the impact of the environment on human health.
The Breathe Easies: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ad Council. The Breathe Easies public service announcements (PSAs) in English and in Spanish featuring a new band of puppets who star in online music videos for kids and caregivers about asthma triggers and how to prevent attacks.
Asthma: A Multimedia Course is an easy to use guide about asthma triggers, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. The guide will also help you decide when to contact your doctor. Asthma is a very treatable disease and the following information will allow you to identify and treat asthma symptoms before an asthma attack can occur. The main goal of this educational tool is to help you identify symptoms and treat them as soon as they occur.
The program spans the entire curriculum of a patient education training course. Offers over three hours of self guided instruction divided into eight lessons.
Asthma Blue: CTK Clinical Consultants: Teaches the key concept for asthma management through 7 songs that can be used on an office on-hold system or played in a waiting room or as part of an activity in a group asthma visit.
Patient Education Tools: Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine: Patient education videos on triggers and inhaler technique in both English and Spanish.
How To Make an Asthma Spacer: eHow Health: A video showing a clinician teaching how to make a spacer with an plastic bottle for families who may not have insurance that covers spacers.
Healthy Roads Media: Healthy Roads Media: Has multimedia information available about numerous chronic diseases.
SPIRAL: the Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages,Tufts University: Written information and videos in Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Laotian, Cambodian and Hmong on asthma and other chronic conditions.
Asthma: Medline Plus: Online patient education resources and interactive tutorials for patients on the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for asthma. Patients are able to go through the modules at their own pace and may choose to listen to audio with the presentation.