The NHSC Empowerment Initiative: Advancing Clinician Wellness and Health Equity
The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Empowerment Initiative is a five-year program of the Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Workforce. The goal of the Initiative is to equip NHSC Scholars and Students to Service (S2S) Loan Repayment Program (LRP) participants with the information they need to succeed as they enter the workforce and begin caring for patients with complex medical needs and barriers to care in communities that have been historically underserved.
Through this Initiative, NHSC participants and their NHSC-Approved Site Points of Contact (POCs) can access exclusive trainings and resources to better understand and address health inequities and social determinants of health while supporting their own health and well-being. Peer networking, coaching, and grand round sessions are also built into the initiative to enhance the learning experience and offer a space for peer support.
When Are the Trainings?
We launched our 2024 training curriculum on January 3rd. Webinars have begun and will continue through August 2024.
How to Access the Resources and Webinars
Learn more on the following HRSA webpages for Current NHSC Scholars and Current NHSC Sites.
Who Is the Target Audience?
This Initiative is promoted directly to NHSC Scholars, S2S LRP participants, and the NHSC-Approved Sites where these participants practice. If your organization has NHSC Scholars and S2S LRP participants on staff, we encourage you to remind them about this professional development opportunity and support them in engaging with the resources and virtual trainings. They will receive emails from us about upcoming webinars and new publications. The curriculum also includes resources for NHSC-Approved Site Staff to help organizations cultivate clinician well-being by creating supportive, efficient, and healthy work environments. If your site is hosting NHSC Scholars and S2S LRP participants, your leadership and administrative site staff are eligible to participate in the webinars and access materials through your Site Points of Contact (POCs).*
Help Prepare NHSC Participants for Success!
If you have expertise addressing clinician burnout and improving workforce wellness, screening for and addressing social determinants of health in patients, or creating interventions to reduce health disparities in your clinic and community, ACU would love to hear from you! We’re recruiting webinar presenters with the aforementioned expertise for our Initiative. The webinars will take place January-August 2024 and honoraria are available for confirmed presenters. Please fill out our Speaker Interest Form, and we will reach out to you. Participation from current and former NHSC participants is particularly encouraged!
If you have any questions about the Initiative and how to participate, please contact Molly Meinbresse, Associate Director of NHSC Educational Programs at
Learn More about NHSC Funding
Click here to follow what ACU is doing to maintain and increase federal funding for the NHSC!
Updating Your Site POC Contact Information
*NHSC-Approved Sites are required to have at least two BHW Customer Service Portal accounts for Site POCs. These POCs have been invited to participate in the Initiative and regularly receive emails about opportunities to access materials and register for webinars. Please check in with your Site POCs to ensure that they are receiving the emails and are able to forward them to the appropriate staff at your organizations. If your Site POC information needs to be updated and you want to add new contacts to stay informed of this Initiative, NHSC-Approved Sites can update their Site POCs at any time through the BHW Customer Service Portal.