American Lung Association Lung HelpLine and Tobacco QuitLine provides counseling free of charge) from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Central time), 7 days a week (except major holidays). Call 1-800-LUNGUSA (1-800-586-4872 and press 2) or submit a question online.
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology has tests and quizzes you can take to see if you are at risk for asthma or allergies, and to review your symptoms.
Allergy & Asthma Today is the practical, family-friendly magazine for people living with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions.
The American Lung Association’s enewsletters offer the latest information on lung health and healthy air in your email.
Educational Tools, The Minnesota Department of Health: Various resources on asthma.
Asthma Action Plan and Informational Materials, The New York State Department of Health: Asthma resources including low literacy materials in English and Spanish. Topics include asthma triggers at home and in the workplace and steps to follow for asthma attacks in the athletic setting.
Explore Asthma—NHLBI’s Health Topics, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of NIH: Has information, videos, and self-management tools to learn about asthma and how to control it. A Spanish-language version of the website—Explorar Asma—is also available.
Learn how to use your asthma inhaler, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Includes videos and downloadable handouts in English and Spanish on how to use asthma inhalers and spacers.
Educational Programs, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Offers a variety of classroom-based, in-home, work site and online education courses that provide basic information about asthma and allergies as well as advanced disease management skills for all ages through interactive activities.
Asthma Handouts, The Palo Alto Medical Foundation: A series of quick reference handouts and videos on a variety of topics for children and adults with asthma on use of inhalers, trigger management, and exercise and asthma. Some materials also available in Spanish.
Asthma at FamilyDoctor.Org: Information in English and Spanish from the American Academy of Family Physicians on what asthma is, how to treat it, and what to ask your provider if your asthma doesn’t get better.
Health Information Translations, Health Information Translations: Provides education resources in multiple languages for health care professionals and others to use in their communities.
Materials, Keys to Healthy Home: Low literacy materials related to keeping a healthy home including Seven Keys to a Healthy Home, Learning about Asthma with the Asthma Gators Coloring and Activity Book, and Cleaning Crew Coloring Book.
Welcome to Home Moisture, North Dakota State University: Educates homeowners and others on home moisture and related topics.
Can My Child Have Asthma Without Knowing It?, University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Center on the Family: A brochure that lists asthma facts, signs and symptoms of asthma, and ways to reduce factors that contribute to difficulty breathing.
Asthma Patient Education Materials, American College of Chest Physicians: Information on what asthma is, how to treat it, and preparing for your appointment.
Asthma: Publications and Resources, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Various resources on asthma, including resources in both English and Spanish.
Environmental Health Materials, Migrant Clinicians Network and Farmworker Justice: Patient education materials related to environmental health and asthma triggers including Breathing Easy at Home/Una Casa Libre de Problemas Respiratorios, a comic book in English and Spanish about the sources of indoor pollution and ways to minimize exposure.
The CDC: Bibliography of Reviewed Literature on Asthma is a list of various resources on asthma given by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC).