Health centers supporting underserved communities are facing greater challenges than ever in building and retaining their workforce during COVID-19. Learn the effective management strategies and emerging best practices necessary to ...
The ACU is excited to announce the opening keynote speaker of our upcoming Virtual Conference: Dr. Gary A. Puckrein, President and CEO of the National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF). A celebrated ...
It takes transdisciplinary care and data-informed clinical strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce barriers to access for underserved populations, especially during a pandemic. Explore practical solutions to increase health ...
The turmoil of the past week has once again brought into focus the heart-wrenching and infuriating level of systemic racism that continues to exist in the United States. ACU’s mission, to ...
The week of March 9th ACU began aggressively working to inform Congress and their staff about the needs of clinicians caring for the underserved and critical support needed for the ...
BHW’s Clinician Dashboards offer data tools and information related to the retention and distribution of BHW program participants who have completed training or service. The dashboards include: alumni retention data ...
On December 20, the President signed two spending bills that fund the federal government through September 30. Discretionary funding for Community Health Centers will remain at FY2019 levels while discretionary funding ...
For half a century, the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) has helped reduce health workforce shortages and ensure that all Americans have access to quality primary care services. The program ...
The August issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved includes a article by a team led by Dr. Donald E. Pathman with the Cecil G. ...
We at ACU are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our friend Dr. David Hartzband. Dr. Hartzband served as the director of technology research for the RCHN ...