The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) was extended on January 11th and will remain in place at least through April 11, 2023. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will provide a 60-day notice before the PHE ends if it intends to change any rules. Therefore, HHS will have until February 10th to make an announcement for an additional PHE extension.
The PHE has implemented vital waivers and policies to expand Medicaid coverage and telehealth coverage. HHS predicts that once the PHE for COVID-19 has been terminated, approximately 15 million Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollees will lose eligibility. At this time, states are preparing for the Medicaid unwinding process by improving staffing capacity along with eligibility redeterminations and renewal systems. State strategies will have different approaches, but should focus around helping individuals that lose Medicaid eligibility acquire other coverage and reducing administrative “churning” (when Medicaid/CHIP enrollees who are disenrolled and then re-enrolled within a short time period).
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