In celebration of National Health Center Week, HRSA Administrator Mary Wakefield posted a message recognizing the critical role health centers play in assuring more accessible, affordable, quality health care services ...
Washington, D.C. (May 1, 2014) - The ACU is proud to recognize the month of May as Asthma Awareness Month, in an effort to raise awareness of the risks faced ...
Understanding the Value of Integrating Pharmacy Services To Improve Health Outcomes and Patient Safety Date: Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2PM-3PM ET Presenter: Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA, CDE, Director of Clinical ...
Chris Hatwig President, Apexus ACU has partnered with Apexus to offer 340B University to the Pharmacy Track during its 2014 Annual Meeting and Health IT Forum. 340B University is a nationally-recognized ...
On Wednesday April 9th, the Senate HELP Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging will be holding a hearing on “Addressing Primary Care Access and Workforce Challenges: Voices from the Field.” ACU’s ...
As the open enrollment period concluded on March 31, the White House annouced that more than 7 million Americans found quality, affordable coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act. See ...
Dr. Jim Hotz has been elected to the ACU Board of Directors at their February meeting with his two year term starting in March. Dr. Hotz' knowledge, expertise and long-standing ...
Washington DC - The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) offered its support for S. 1980 - the Medicaid and CHIP Continuous Quality Act of 2014, introduced by Sen. ...
Justin D’Addario Justin D’Addario was elected to the ACU Board of Directors in January and officially begins service starting this month. Currently a medical student at Stony Brook University School ...
The 2014 NHSC Loan Repayment Program application cycle is now open. The application cycle will close on March 20, at 7:30 pm, ET. To help ensure that the communities with ...