Clinicians usually see healthcare consumers for a few minutes in the clinical space, but factors affecting health extend far beyond face-to-face time with a provider and clinic staff. When consumers are receiving support from a caregiver—whether professional, family member, or friend—clinical staff have a significant opportunity to understand and impact health factors not readily visible in the clinic. In this series, you’ll learn from experts, healthcare consumers, and caregivers about types of caregivers, opportunities and challenges, consumer autonomy and decision making, and tools for appropriately working with caregivers and home health workers as part of the consumer’s full care team.

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ACU’s Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR²) Center provides resources, training, and technical assistance to help Health Center Program grantees with their clinician workforce challenges and questions. We are a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner of the Bureau of Primary Health Care funded through a national cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration, ensuring that services are offered free of charge to all health centers and look-alikes.