Assessing and Comparing Telehealth Solutions for Primary Care Community Health Centers

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, telehealth has become more prominent than ever. Most primary care community health centers are working to scale up their telehealth initiatives to provide better and more continuous care for their patients. However, there are not many resources comparing different telehealth solutions so that community health centers can make an informed decision regarding which telehealth product is best for their specific clinic and population of patients. Through this research, we have assessed six prominent telehealth products on the market and compared them across seven domains including cost, patient experience, provider experience, integrations, security, training/support, and additional add-ons. Findings from this research will serve as guidance to community health centers as they identify which telehealth solution will work best for their practice and their patients. The goal of this research was not to identify the best telehealth solution but rather to note the relative strengths and weaknesses of each product and provide objective results that can help community health centers make more informed decisions as they adopt a solution.


  • Akiff Premjee, Medical Student, Tufts University School of Medicine