The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved is partnering with the Centene Foundation for Quality Health Care to provide small grants of $5,000 to $10,000 to federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to assist with start-up costs for vision service programs.
Underserved populations continue to face barriers to accessing vision services and glasses due to cost, transportation, and limited access. FQHCs are ideal for delivering vision services due to their focus on the delivery of integrated care for underserved populations. Vision services can be integrated into primary care visits to address the impact of poor health and disease on vision and to increase quality of life.
Grant dollars may be used to support the cost of equipment and services necessary to establish vision services. Funds may not be used to support existing vision service programs, salaries, or construction costs.
- Must be an FQHC without a formal vision service program
- Must be willing to provide direct vision services including vision exams and prescription glasses (not a referral program)
- Must have your vision service program operating and accepting patients within 6-months of receiving the grant.
- Agrees to share aggregated vision service data after 6- and 12- months of providing vision services. Please review the reporting template
- Preference will be given to FQHCs in these states: IN, OK, NJ, NH
For questions, please contact Director of Learning and Curriculum Design Sabrina Edgington.
The call for application has closed. Grants will be distributed in early December 2020.