Learn Practices for Addressing Discrimination from Patients
ACU’s upcoming STAR² Center 2024 Workforce Symposium: Inclusive Innovation: Putting People First includes engaging sessions like this one on best practices for addressing discrimination from patients from Sabrina Edgington, ACU’s Senior Director of Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) Initiatives. Healthcare providers are often encouraged to participate in trainings related to cultural humility, bias, and discrimination to improve care, but they rarely receive training on what to do when patients discriminate. Addressing discrimination from patients is complex, but inadequate responses can threaten clinicians’ psychological safety and staff retention. Explore these complexities and practices that should be in place at health centers to promote inclusion and belonging.
Join us at Nashville’s Graduate Hotel on April 29-30 to learn innovative strategies to enhance your workforce recruitment and retention initiatives, and stay after for our Comprehensive Workforce Plan Workshop, Choose Your Own Workforce Adventure, on May 1-2.
Register now and plan your trip with agendas for the Symposium or the Comprehensive Workforce Plan Workshop and book your hotel room by April 19 for our special block rate! Please contact us with any questions.