An effective and thriving health center workforce depends on strong recruitment plans and processes. The ACU STAR² Center’s Spring 2023 Recruitment Bootcamp incorporates self-assessment and planning strategies while providing guidance, tools, and templates for updating your recruitment processes and laying the groundwork for additional workforce planning. Beginning in February, participants will spend 75 minutes every other week in a mix of webinars, discussion, and assignments, and they will receive ample support from ACU staff and faculty during and for three-to-six months after the conclusion of the learning collaborative. Learn more and apply by February 6.
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More Resources on Building and Sustaining Health Center Workforces
ACU’s Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR²) Center provides resources, training, and technical assistance to help Health Center Program grantees with their clinician workforce challenges and questions. We are a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner of the Bureau of Primary Health Care funded through a national cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration, ensuring that services are offered free of charge to all health centers and look-alikes.