The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) is deeply saddened by the recent murders of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Soon Chung Park, Hyun Jung Grant, Suncha Kim, and Yong Ae Yue. The lives of these innocent people, six of whom were Asian women, were taken needlessly in an act of murder rooted in hate, racism and xenophobia. That this crime be categorized in any other way only furthers the poisonous racism at the core of this intolerable tragedy.  ACU condemns this tragic killing and the racist and hateful underpinnings that led to the senseless murder of innocent lives in Atlanta.

Sadly, the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community has long been the target of racism and xenophobic acts of violence. These acts have further intensified throughout the pandemic fueled by ignorance and hate. We must confront this dark truth in our present reality, call out these toxic acts of racism for what they are, and take action to stop this hate.

Mourning Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

ACU mourns the loss of those killed in Atlanta and stands in solidarity with the AAPI community. We are committed to working with our AAPI colleagues and allies to demand the support, resources and investment needed to put an end to racism.

ACU encourages its members to visit Stop AAPI Hate to report AAPI hate crimes, learn how to stay safe when experiencing hate, and how to support someone as a bystander.

Upcoming Webinar on How Health Centers Can Support Asian Americans Experiencing Hate Crimes

As part of our Building an Inclusive Webinar series, ACU will soon host a webinar on how health centers can practice cultural humility and support Asians and Asian Americans experiencing hate and violence on May 19 from 1-2 p.m. ET. In this session, participants will receive an overview of cultural humility principles, how they impact health care, and strategies for training staff. The webinar will also include a discussion on cultural humility as it relates to our work with Asian and Asian American patients and colleagues and how we can be supporting members during an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes and violence. Learn more and register.

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Amanda Pears Kelly
(202) 492-1395