Tuesday, May 14 at 4-5 p.m. ET

Building a trauma-informed workplace that prioritizes a culture of wellness is one of the key steps to supporting a resilient workforce. The health center workforce continues to face overwhelming challenges such as burnout, moral injury and moral distress, compassion fatigue, inequitable workplace structures and operations, toxic workplace cultures, turnover, a decrease in the size of the healthcare workforce, and the residual traumatic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While complicated, addressing these challenges is not insurmountable.

Join experts from ACU’s STAR² Center for a webinar exploring what it means to be a trauma-informed workplace. Learn the principles of a trauma-informed organization and how its intersection with organizational and individual resilience provides actionable tools health centers can use to support an engaged and satisfied workforce.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the principles of a trauma-informed organization and apply these principles to support the needs of the health center workforce
  • Understand the connection between a trauma-informed organization and justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI)
  • Compare individual and organizational resilience to ensure the best support for the health center workforce

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More Resources on Building and Sustaining Health Center Workforces

ACU’s Solutions, Training, and Assistance for Recruitment and Retention (STAR²) Center provides resources, training, and technical assistance to help Health Center Program grantees with their clinician workforce challenges and questions. We are a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner of the Bureau of Primary Health Care funded through a national cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Primary Health Care at the Health Resources and Services Administration, ensuring that services are offered free of charge to all health centers and look-alikes.