Leveraging Technology for Health Equity
ACU’s official Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved has released a supplemental issue exploring opportunities to leverage technology to achieve health equity, or TechQuity. Learn about the strategic development and deployment of technology for health equity and how it can influence workforce diversity, data trust, equity dashboards, transparent AI, and more in this issue.
Perhaps most critically, Dr. Kyu Rhee, Senior Vice President of CVS Health and Chief Medical Officer of Aetna and a member of the ACU’s Advisory Council, explains that in order to advance a TechQuity movement, we must commit to four priority areas:
- Workforce diversity: ensuring that health and technology organizations and leadership reflect the diversity of the people they serve
- Data trust: data must be collected with trust and represent the populations they ARE intended to serve
- Equity dashboards: analytics should require equity as an essential and standard measure
- Transparent AI: artificial intelligence with transparency, ethics, fairness, and equity.
Learn more about TechQuity and other crucial issues in the use of technology to achieve health equity in the new issue, which features articles such as:
- “What is TechQuity?”
- “Tech Led Solutions to Address Food Insecurity during a Global Pandemic”
- “Wearable Devices Decrease Attrition among Families Participating in an Obesity Intervention at a Federally Qualified Health Center”
- “Proactively Connecting Residents in Underserved and Low Socioeconomic Status Communities with ‘Virtual Hospital’ Telehealth Access in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”
ACU Members: remember to log in using the special link in our member portal for free access to this and other issues. The Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU) and focuses on contemporary health care issues of medically underserved communities.