Mobile AppsThe following information is presented for archival purposes and may no longer be up to date. Please check with your primary care provider for more information.

Mobile apps are nifty tools for cell phones and other wireless devices that help users manage their health. This month’s featured mobile app, UMSkinCheck,  is designed to facilitate regular skin checks for cancer screening. UMSkinCheck was developed at the University of Michigan in a joint effort involving clinical and technology experts. It is available for iPhones and iPads and downloadable from iTunes. Read more about it here.

Tell us if you know of a mobile app that would be of interest to our readers. Send an email to with “Mobile App” in the subject line.

Here’s a short list of mobile apps featured in last month’s article by Anna Gard on Bridging the Disparities Gap with Mobile Technology. Read the full article here.

  • SmokeFreeTXT – a smoking cessation service from for young adults.
  • Fitbit – a wireless pedometer that tracks activity and free smart phone apps that track food and activities.