ACU Welcomes Dr. Luis Padilla as a Keynote Speaker at the 2024 ACU Conference
The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved is honored to welcome Dr. Luis Padilla, MD, FAAFP, Associate Administrator of the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration and Director of the National Health Service Corps, as a keynote speaker at our 2024 Conference, “Envisioning a More Equitable Future: Advancing Stakeholder-Centered Innovation,” in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 4-7. Dr. Padilla is a nationally recognized public health leader and administrator, and he will headline our symposium spotlighting the importance of including stakeholder voices and input–whether patients, staff, communities, or partners–when shaping innovations in workforce development, clinical practice, or community engagement and advocacy to help bring holistic, equitable, and inclusive care within reach for underserved populations.
As the leader of BHW, Padilla administers over 60 workforce programs with a budget of more than $1.8 billion with the goal of improving access to quality healthcare by developing, distributing, and retaining a diverse and culturally competent health workforce. His efforts support the health center workforce across the entire education and training to service continuum. Prior to joining BHW, Padilla served as the senior health policy advisor to the CEO of Unity Health Care in Washington, D.C., a federally qualified health center network and ACU member organization with over 100,000 patients. He was also a former NHSC Scholar.
Padilla’s presentation will be one of many highlights in our CME-accredited ACU Conference offering crucial trainings for clinicians, administrators, and advocates alike.
Browse our conference details and sign up now! Register by June 14 to receive our Early Bird rate; ACU Members and students enjoy a significant discount.