NHSC Empowerment Initiative – Publications
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New Publications - August 2024!

Archived Resources

SDOH Series: Education Access and Quality Resources

Resources for Monitoring Clinician Burnout at the Organizational Level

Read our guide for useful tips on how to measure and address burnout among your clinicians during a crisis. The recommendations included can be applied even when your organization is not in crisis. Check out our infographic for an overall view of the factors contributing to burnout and the impact on your clinicians.

Burnout Assessment Resources

Read our executive summary for an overview of the evidence-based burnout assessment tools, what they measure, and how to access them. Print out our infographic as a quick reference guide to decide which burnout assessment tool is right for you and how to calculate your burnout score!

Poverty & Food Insecurity Resources

Print our infographics to easily reference them in the moment to see how you can help your patients living in poverty and with food insecurity. Check out our Executive Summary to better understand how poverty and food insecurity impact health outcomes. Also included are recommended screening tools for poverty and food insecurity as well as clinical and organizational interventions to address these issues.

Thumbnail of Strategies to Address Health Literacy infographic

Health Care Access & Quality Resources

Check out our Executive Summary to better understand how health care access and health literacy issues impact health outcomes. Also included are recommended screening tools for health care access and literacy barriers as well as clinical and organizational interventions that can improve accessibility of services. Reference our Infographic to help you remember strategies for serving patients with low health literacy.

Clinician Burnout Resource Series

Burnout has the potential to lead to negative consequences for clinicians and patients, but the good news is that there are practical and evidence-based approaches to manage and prevent burnout to ensure a healthy workforce and high-quality patient care. Read our executive summaries for an overview of important topics with up-to-date statistics, useful resources, and select case studies to help you deepen your understanding of burnout. Reference our infographics for quick overviews of key points and strategies to help you better address clinician burnout and support clinician wellness.

Community Assessment Guide

Reference our Community Assessment Guide to think about ways you can use data to identify health disparities in your clinic and community, and pursue interventions and community partnerships to address those disparities. NHSC participants work in clinical environments where serious health inequities exist due to historical and systematic marginalization, creating major barriers to care for their patient populations. This Guide describes how data can be used to make cases for improved health care services and healthier communities; clinician advocacy at the individual, practice, and community levels; and how to partner with community organizations to create effective and long-lasting avenues for change. It also provides examples of community resources clinicians can access to help address the social determinants of health of their patients.