ACU's STAR² Center, Community Health Center, Inc / Weitzman Institute, and the National Association of Community Health Centers are excited to host the virtual 2023 Health Center Workforce Summit on ...
An effective and thriving health center workforce depends on strong recruitment plans and processes. The ACU STAR² Center's Spring 2023 Recruitment Bootcamp incorporates self-assessment and planning strategies while providing guidance, ...
The ACU Conference Call for Proposals is Now Open: Submit Your Abstract by Feb. 10 The Association of Clinicians for the Underserved has opened our call for workshop and poster ...
Exploring Cross-Sector Partnerships A supplemental issue to the November 2022 edition of ACU’s Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (JHCPU) spotlights "Cross-Sector Partnerships to Advance Health Equity." ...
ACU's Career Center is an excellent resource for individuals looking for jobs in healthcare or for health centers and other organizations to connect with quality candidates to serve under-resourced populations. ...
Are you considering developing a Health Professions Education and Training (HP-ET) program at your health center? Do you want to understand how HP-ET programs work and how they can help ...
In this episode, ACU’s Alex Rohlwing speaks with Brooke Sims, Director of Integrated Health; Carrie Farquhar, Director of Workforce Development; and Dr. Dana Vallangeon, Chief Medical Officer, at the Ohio ...
La creación de espacios de trabajo que fomenten la resiliencia y el bienestar es fundamental para construir y retener una fuerza laboral fuerte y compasiva. La cuarta temporada del podcast ...
ACU's STAR2 Center is excited to announce the release of a new Organizational Leadership and Resiliency Toolkit, produced collaboratively with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council and subject matter ...
As health centers face unprecedented workforce challenges, it is critical that they step into the role of fostering tomorrow’s health care professionals. Health Professions Education and Training (HP-ET) is an ...